UPDATED. 2024-05-03 17:52 (금)

Bitwise CIO Unveils 5 Major Forecasts For Bitcoin 2028 Halving, Anticipates A 280% Price Surge
Bitwise CIO Unveils 5 Major Forecasts For Bitcoin 2028 Halving, Anticipates A 280% Price Surge
  • 블록체인투데이
  • 승인 2024.04.25 11:37
이 기사를 공유합니다

Bitwise Chief Information Officer (CIO) Matt Hougan recently shared five interesting predictions for the next Halving of the Bitcoin (BTC) network, scheduled for 2028. New Investors And ETFs As CatalystsOne of Hougan’s key predictions is that Bitcoin’s volatility will significantly decline by 50%. As BTC’s volatility decreases and becomes more attractive to institutional investors, Hougan expects a rise in typical portfolio allocations. The Bitwise CIO predicts that Bitcoin ETFs will attract over $200 billion in inflows. Drawing parallels with the rise of gold ETFs, which experienced year-after-year growth in net flows, he anticipates a similar trend for Bitcoin ETFs.

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