UPDATED. 2024-05-06 14:02 (월)

In Times of Geopolitical Turmoil, Gold Should 'Vastly Outperform' Bitcoin, Says Jared Dillian
In Times of Geopolitical Turmoil, Gold Should 'Vastly Outperform' Bitcoin, Says Jared Dillian
  • 블록체인투데이
  • 승인 2024.04.24 09:01
이 기사를 공유합니다

Recently, Michelle Makori of Kitco News engaged in an insightful discussion with Jared Dillian, a seasoned financial expert and author. Jared Dillian is a financial writer, investment strategist, and former Wall Street trader. Debt Monetization and Its Implications: A significant portion of the discussion was dedicated to the concept of debt monetization, which Dillian believes could lead to a parabolic rise in gold prices. For the long haul, he believes that significant financial maneuvers, such as full-blown debt monetization, will likely occur in the next presidential cycle, drastically influencing gold prices and the broader financial landscape. He advocates for making significant financial decisions correctly, such as housing and education, which can have far-reaching impacts on one’s financial health, more so than minor savings like foregoing daily coffee.

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