UPDATED. 2024-05-20 17:49 (월)

US House Advances Bill To Allow Financial Firms To Hold Bitcoin
US House Advances Bill To Allow Financial Firms To Hold Bitcoin
  • 블록체인투데이
  • 승인 2024.05.09 10:18
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The US House voted to overturn a bill that prevents financial firms from acting as custodians for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies with a new bill. Early Wednesday, President Joe Biden said he would veto the potential bill to overturn the SEC’s SAB No. 109, he would veto it.” Executive Office of The PresidentSource: ThoughtCoAlso Read: President Biden To Veto Bill Allowing Financial Firms To Hold BitcoinH.J.Res. The bill would remove roadblocks that prevent highly regulated financial institutions from acting as custodians for digital assets like Bitcoin. The US House vote dictates this idea further, with little Democratic support for pushing ahead with the new bill.

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