UPDATED. 2024-04-30 17:13 (화)

Crude-Crash Saves Stocks From CTA-Slaughter; Bonds Bid But Bitcoin Battered
Crude-Crash Saves Stocks From CTA-Slaughter; Bonds Bid But Bitcoin Battered
  • 블록체인투데이
  • 승인 2024.04.18 10:25
이 기사를 공유합니다

How long before stock algos realize the SPR drain is coming — zerohedge (@zerohedge) April 17, 2024Then around 1440ET stocks went vertical.. because, frankly, no idea at all... and then reversed it just as fast! The bounce in stocks - thanks to plunging crude prices - rescued stocks critical CTA thresholds that should remain on everyone's radar: medium term threshold = 4880 (~2.7% below spot). One more thing before we leave equity-land, VIX ended the day unchanged, while stocks were down quite notably - are we finally seeing some call-unwinds? Source: BloombergTreasuries were very well bid today with a strong 20Y auction further emboldening buyers this afternoon. Source: BloombergEthereum outperformed bitcoin on the day, erasing most of its big relative puke last Friday/Saturday...

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