UPDATED. 2024-05-02 17:10 (목)

AI is now in the Philippines: AI Summit PH 2023 Day 2 recap
AI is now in the Philippines: AI Summit PH 2023 Day 2 recap
  • 블록체인투데이
  • 승인 2023.05.19 16:52
이 기사를 공유합니다

Imagine this: it’s the year 2000, and we’re envisioning a future life with talking robots with a mind of their own. Fast forward to 2023, and the world is looking at the fruits of those ideas and labor made by scientists and researchers who have been working to produce this concept in the form of Artificial Intelligence, most commonly known as AI.

Recently, technology experts, thought leaders, enthusiasts, and even government officials gathered at the Marriot Grand Ballroom for the AI Summit PH 2023 event, where they looked at the current status of AI in the Philippines. The second day of the summit focused on topics like fraud, the AI landscape, economic growth, education, and regulation.

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